Where do we begin?
Choosing a website that will successfully represents your business can be challenging (especially on a tight budget). We will endeavour to offer support from website conception through to the end. Even if you are not completely computer literate… where there’s a will there’s a way, folks.
Call Steve on 078 78 78 87 82 Ask a few questions and see for yourself.
Choosing a Domain Name
A Domain name identifies your business on the Internet and you should spend a good amount of time thinking of the right name for your business. We can help you select, register and secure a domain name on your behalf.
Choosing a Host Service
A host is the company that holds your website on the Internet. Kane Amari Web Design will either source a suitable service provider for you or you can choose your own.
Most simple websites which are ‘brochure style’ need only a couple of pages for example HOME – ABOUT US – SERVICES – CONTACT US. Other websites require many pages such as member’s area, shopping facilities, gallery, blog, front end management system etc.
This is where things start getting interesting. You can choose a relatively standard look for your website or something slightly off the wall and artsy, maybe what you like is a contemporary feel. If you are working to a budget it is usually best practice to have a foundation to work from. For example show us some websites you have seen and liked. Maybe you would like to choose a template and start with that as a basis. Of course if you want a 100% customised design built from scratch with heavy consultation then we can provide an hourly charge or a day rate. All sites are structured in a way for Google and the likes to easily grab content for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).
Choosing colours and feel
Trying to reach an agreement on the look and feel of a website can be a difficult stage of the design process. There are many things you can do to reduce time and costs and here are a few tips
Do-It-Yourself LOGO – If you do not want to fork out for logo design maybe choose a typography. Take a look a dafont as a great source of inspiration.
Choosing images – We cannot stress enough we do not encourage ripping images from the internet as is suggested by some (for legal reason) Instead we advise you look at purchasing from stock providers. Our favourite is 123rf when purchased as a package each image can be less than a pound each. Much better than getting sued by Getty images for copyright infringement.
Tech Alert: Our websites are written in different computer languages or by using a combination of the languages available (html, flash, css, js, php, etc). We also use bare bones frameworks or even templates as a foundations. This is all done on an individual project basis depending on time and budget factors.
KANE AMARI WEB DESIGN can either manage your content and the evolution of your website for you or provide you with a CMS (Content Management System) and training so that one of your staff can manage the site themselves. Both options have their advantages and we will help you decide which is the best option for you.
A few important notes about how we work as we aim to be as quick and as efficient as possible.